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2025 Student Applications Now Open

The West Virginia Department of Education is pleased to announce the West Virginia Governor’s Schools student applications are now available. Please visit our website to learn about these exciting opportunities for students in middle and high schools and to access the applications. These FREE summer residential programs offer incredible experiences for students in a variety of disciplines.

Governor’s Schools for High School Students

  • Governor’s Computer Science Institute (GCSI) – current 9th and 10th grade students (application deadline for students is April 11, 2025)
  • Governor’s Honors Academy (GHA) – current 11th grade students (application deadline for counties is March 28, 2025)
  • Governor’s School for Entrepreneurship (GSE) – current 9th10th, and 11th grade students (application, flyer, and website updates forthcoming within the next week)
  • Governor’s School for the Arts (GSA) – current 10th grade students (application deadline for students is February 28, 2025)
  • Governor’s School for Tourism (GST) – current 9th and 10th grade students (application deadline for counties is April 10, 2025)

If you have any questions, please contact Dustin Lambert, Coordinator of WV Governor’s Schools at or (304) 558-5325.

****DUAL CREDIT **** 

Students and Parents 

If you are taking a dual credit class with West Virginia State University you need to go to the link provided and fill out the application, if it is your first time taking a dual credit class. If you are not sure ,then go ahead and fill out an application. 

On the tab semester you plan to attend ,choose fall.

On the tab how do you want to earn your degree, you will select online.

GPA does not need to be exact just as long you have a 3.0 or higher. 

**Parents will be charged for these classes through WVSU.

If you want to order a yearbook, you can order online at

Anyone who needs to know their Schoology login information may contact the school for help.

Scott High School follows the Boone County Student Code of Conduct.

Students: Signing out early from school will result in needing a doctor’s excuse. If a doctor excuse is not provided, your sign outs after 2pm will count the same as a tardy to school. Check your agendas for the consequences after three sign in or sign outs.

Scott High School follows the Boone County Dress Code policy, listed on the Dress Code page.  Students almost always know when they have crossed the line!  Please encourage your kids to dress appropriately for school.

All students will be required to pay for any 2nd breakfast. You will not be allowed to charge. Seniors with outstanding breakfast bills will not receive their diplomas until they are paid in full.

Parents are encouraged to join the Scott High Local School Improvement Council, the Band Boosters, the Athletic Boosters, and to help with Student Council activities.  Children still need your involvement, even though they are in high school.  Extra help is always welcome!

All bus pass requests must include the student’s first and last name, student ID#, homeroom teacher’s name, and a parent/guardian phone number for verification. Bus passes will not be issued without all of this information.