Our program “Project GOAL” is a collaborative effort among Boone County Schools, The Clay Center and Southern West Virginia Community College. Project GOAL: Gaining Opportunities at Life is an after-school program at Scott High, Sherman Senior High, and Van Senior High Schools. The program takes place Tuesday – Wednesday –Thursday, 2:45pm – 5:45pm during the months of September through May of the school year. Our program targets high school students. We have a lot to offer these students that will benefit them but without participation nothing can be achieved.
The goals for Project GOAL include: 1) Students will be college- or career-ready upon graduation; 2) Boone County Schools will increase the graduation rate and decrease the drop-out rate of 9th-12th grade students in Boone County; and 3) Parents, families and community members will be engaged in students’ success, improve skills and access career and college opportunities. During this three hour period, students receive a snack/Dinner, homework help, one-on-one tutoring, credit recovery courses if necessary, mentoring, and enrichment in the areas of science, technology, arts, engineering, business, and community service. Planned field trips and many other creative and cultural activities are woven into this extended learning experience. Transportation home is also available for all the students who participate in this program. For more information contact either Kelli Vance, Ed Smith, or Chris Bias at Scott High School 304-369-3011.