Students please make sure you have a College Board account. You can start making this account early. You will have access to many scholarship opportunities. As well as practice SAT/ACT testing.
Almost Heaven Scholarship
The White Foundation 2024
****WV has adopted a new program called WV Invests. We know it as “free community college.” If you are interested, please complete the application. There are some details to this program such as drug testing and grade requirements for each session completed. Go to
Parents/Students please click the link for information about the Promise Scholarship.
New Scholarship Opportunity
BSC College Fair
September 29, 2023 at WV Training Center 9-11am.
Parents or Students please contact your counselor to sign you up for these sessions.
We will be attending the CAMC Health Fair at the Charleston Civic Center
October 25th, 2023 from 9:30 to 2:00
We would like all senior to attend this event as well as all health care students at attending BCTC
Marshall University
We will be taking all seniors to visit Marshall University for Green White Day on October 20th. We will leave at 8am and return at 2:30pm.